(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available)
Tony Traguardo offers a look at the best online freeware, shopping portals, and coupon sites that can help you turn your web surfing into money-saving adventures. Learn about how to save and be secure when shopping and downloading online. Some computer and Internet experience is necessary for this information-packed course.
(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available)
Tony Traguardo offers a look at the best online freeware, shopping portals, and coupon sites that can help you turn your web surfing into money-saving adventures. Learn about how to save and be secure when shopping and downloading online. Some computer and Internet experience is necessary for this information-packed course.
(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available)
Tony Traguardo offers a look at the best online research, reference, freeware, entertainment, and money-saving resources that are free and available for anyone to use in this fun and fact-filled program. Some computer and Internet experience is helpful for this information-packed course.
(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available)
Tony Traguardo offers a look at the best online research, reference, freeware, entertainment, and money-saving resources that are free and available for anyone to use in this fun and fact-filled program. Some computer and Internet experience is helpful for this information-packed course.
(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available
TWO SESSIONS: Two hours per evening: “Basic Computing” / “Working Online”)
This course is designed to educate you in the basics of computer technology, including: how to work with and save files, how to use a jump drive, how to safely open and view e-mail attachments, tips for printing, and much more. Tony will also review basic computer jargon, and also how to stay safe when working online. Mr. Traguardo has taught a Graduate Level course in Library and Information Technology.
(SINGLE SESSION: Two or three hour versions available
TWO SESSIONS: Two hours per evening: “Basic Computing” / “Working Online”)
This course is designed to educate you in the basics of computer technology, including: how to work with and save files, how to use a jump drive, how to safely open and view e-mail attachments, tips for printing, and much more. Tony will also review basic computer jargon, and also how to stay safe when working online. Mr. Traguardo has taught a Graduate Level course in Library and Information Technology.